How TV and Movies Helped Me Endure a Traumatic Time

📺📺📺 DO YOU HAVE CERTAIN SHOWS OR MOVIES YOU WATCH WHEN YOU NEED TO FEEL BETTER? 📺📺📺 When I was trapped overseas by my abusive ex and I had years of waiting for my chance to put my case to the courts, the combination of working on paperwork for my case, looking after my small …


Abuse, trauma, and change have a major thing in common. They can all leave you with a loss of identity.

sunlight bursting through trees

A Little More About Me

When I defeated my covert narcissist husband in court and won my international relocation case, I thought I was home free. After a couple of decades of abuse, learning that I had been abused (Google: covert narcissism), going through months and months of learning about how the abuse worked to slowly erase my identity and …