Second Star Life Pocket Vision

Pocket Vision

logo for portable vision board workshop called Pocket Vision by Second Star Life

Hello Lovely Visionary!

Pocket Vision is a fun, one-week, workshop to create a vision board that you can carry with you. Not only is it portable so that you can keep your goals in sight and, therefore on your mind at all times, it is also highly personal. You will create the booklet and page spreads with your own artwork after visualising the future you want to manifest.

Past participants who have not touched a paint brush since kindergarten as well as those who regularly create art at home have enjoyed this workshop.

There is an accompanying Facebook group for you to ask questions and post your art if you feel so inclined (no obligation to do so!).

Sign up for the Pocket Vision workshop here


What do I need in order to do a Pocket Vision Workshop?

Less than you think! You may need to buy some suitable paper, glue, and paint (if you choose the paint option), but other than that, this workshop can be completed using recycled images from magazines and other sources. Here are the details.

How much time will I need to dedicate to completing the workshop?

I will guide you through each step with a small task per day so that you will come out with a wonderful result without having stressed over it. It should be fun AND rewarding, right? Depending on how much detail you want to add to your Pocket Vision Vision Board, estimated completion time would be 4-10 hours which includes the visualisation time for what you are going to focus on as well as time for collecting suitable images. Of course, throughout the year your vision may change slightly and you may alter your board here and there, so it’s finished only when you say it is!

What if I don’t know what I want for my future?

That’s OK! Sometimes we don’t take the time to visualise what we want and just react to life as it comes, but then when you want to focus you’re not sure WHERE to put that focus. I’ve noticed this as a common theme for previous participants and so it is important to do some thinking before the workshop.

Spend a little time visualising your ideal life. What does it encompass? Who is there with you? What kinds of things are you doing? Make a list of these things so you can go and find representative images to use in your Pocket Vision vision board.

I explain this in more detail in the welcome video once you’ve signed up so don’t put off signing up because you feel you don’t have a plan. Just jump in and I’ll guide you!

When is the next Pocket Vision workshop?

Pocket Vision is now self-access! That means you can sign up and begin any time you want. You still get support from me in a private Facebook group, but as far as choosing a time to take part…well, that’s all up to you!

How do I sign up for PocketVision?

Sign up for the Pocket Vision workshop here

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