Do you tell your story? It took me a long time to tell mine. It took a long time for me to even understand mine. Then there was the shame.
Society teaches us certain things are the fault of the woman, the victim, the child, the poor person, the underdog. I think, in many ways, we like to think the victim must’ve done something to deserve what happened to them because then we know we are safe. We wouldn’t allow such a thing to happen to us, or we’d be able to see it and would walk away. They must’ve done something wrong to get into that situation. This is what we all believe.
But the truth is bad things do happen to good people, as much as we don’t want to think about it.
The more we tell our stories, the more people can begin to understand this. We bring things out into the bright sunlight so others can see the truth and the world has a better chance of changing. Silence helps no one.
Find a safe space and tell your story. You’d be surprised how many people say, “Really? This is also my story.” And then the solitary person becomes a two.