The Good Things art journaling image

The Good Things: A five day workshop

The Good Things 5 Day workshop LOGO

Hello amazing visionary!

If you’ve always wanted to try art journaling and think it would be a great way to go deeper into understanding your own identity, this is your chance! This 5-day workshop is an introduction into what Second Star Life is all about. If you are thinking of doing a bigger Second Star Life experience, it’s also a chance to find out how I work.

In life, and especially if we’ve experienced any form of trauma, we can get so used to the negative beliefs we have about ourselves that they become our default thinking. We can easily look at others, give compliments, and try to build them up with positive reinforcement, but how often do we stop and do this for ourselves?

In this workshop, we will identify and sit with “The Good Things” about ourselves and interact with them through art in an effort to bring them more into our subconscious so we can remember what kind of amazing beings we really are.

The workshop will be accessible here on and will have a private Facebook group where you can ask questions and interact with others if you wish.

Sign up for the workshop here

What supplies will I need to do The Good Things experience?

Sign up for The Good Things here!

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